Word of Encouragement – Testimony

What’s up Scribes! What a word I have for you today!

Here lately, I’ve found myself sharing my testimony of how I got into publishing a lot. And it always seems to stem from a random conversation that somehow leads to me sharing my story as encouragement. It got me to thinking about the significance of our testimonies.

The Bible gives us several scriptures related to the importance of our testimony, and I want to point out three key things to remember.

2 Corinthians 3:2-3 reminds us that we are living epistles read of all men written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God. In case you don’t know what an epistle is, it’s a letter. Now, when you put it together, our lives, as believers, are letters written by Yah as evidence of the workings of His love and power in our lives for those who have yet to know him.

The second thing I want to point out is our testimonies are a gift. Revelations 12:11 tells us that we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. So, when we share our stories of faith, lessons learned, and how Yah used our setbacks as setups for our triumph, we offer the gift of encouragement and strategy to others as they walk out their life’s journey.

The last thing I want to share is that our testimonies serve as a constant reminder that if Yah did it before, He can do it again. In Malachi 3:6, Yah tells us that He does not change. That means He is still the same way maker, covenant keeper, and miracle worker that kept and brought you this far. And if you continue to trust Him as you walk in faith and obedience, He’ll provide ALL of your needs.

Now I understand my testimony is important because it’s a letter written on my heart by Yah’s Holy Spirit so that I may give it as a gift of encouragement to those I encounter, reminding me and them that if Yah did it before, he can do it again!

I hope this has been an encouragement to you today. As always, I thank you for stopping by. Please be sure to share this message with someone else who may need a “pick me up” on this journey.

Until next time, be safe and be well

P.S. Ladies, don’t miss this opportunity to get in position to share your testimony. Registration is still open for this year’s Penned Writer’s Retreat, BUT space is limited. So, don’t delay. Reserve your spot TODAY! Click Here to Register

Published by T. Lynn Tate

I am a story mid-wife, writer, and Talk Show Host. I specialize in helping women tell their stories of healing to wholeness through various faith-based genres. I am the host of the online talk show series Penned The Writer's Utopia and Sip & Chat with T. Lynn.

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