Renew Your Mind

As I sat and thought about the launch entry of this blog, I literally went from one extreme to the next.  In the end, I settled on simply sharing my current state of mind these days.

A few years ago, I found myself in a very frustrated place.  I was stuck in a cycle that went from the stage of “promising” to “hopeful” to “that was a blow” to “ain’t nothing working” to “I’m done.”  To make matters worse, I kept being told that I needed to renew my mind, and change my perception.  The problem was I had no clue how to do that.  Sure, I studied my bible regularly, but the success in attitude change that I had, seemed to be short lived.  So I was up and down, and up and down going from positive highs to depression; and it was very draining.  Finally, I took that matter up in prayer, and started asking God as often as I thought about it, “How in the world do I renew my mind?” 
No, I did not get an answer right away.  It was actually months later that I received the answer through a book that was given to me, for my birthday that year, on the Law of Attraction.  Now this was not the first time that I had heard about this book.  The first time I was told about it, I simply refused to read it or look into it.  Based on what I had been told about the book, I felt that there was nothing it could tell me that I didn’t already know.  After all, the bible tells us that, “As a man thinks, so is he.”  BUT, my how the tables turn when you reach a place of fatigue from frustration and desperation. 
Now I am in no way saying that this book is the end all be all.  However, I will say that it gave me some practical ways to begin changing my perception and way of thinking. Honestly, I started to implement some of the “exercises,” and I actually saw a shift, for the good, take place in my thinking, perception, and my life. 
Fast forwarding to current day, I seem to be constantly reminded of the principles that I learned from that book several years ago.  First I wake up, and the first thing I hear the radio host talking about is what… the Law of Attraction.  Then my Pastor starts giving us assignments similar to the exercises I learned from the book, and now is teaching a series titled, “Attracting Goodness.”  And as if I didn’t get the friendly reminders from the first two instances, a business associate sent me a link to a webinar.  You know what the title of the webinar was… “Train Your Brain.”  Obviously, I didn’t forget the principles of the Law of Attraction, but I will admit that I had stopped diligently applying them to my life.
This year I am stepping out into new territory in every area of my life.  It is imperative that I maintain the RIGHT mindset, and I realize that in order to do that I MUST practice daily implementing the things that I know helps me to keep a refreshed and renewed mind.  I’m expecting such great things to happen for me and my family this year that I have done away with my half cork half white board.  I told my mother the other day, me and my husband’s visions were so great every wall in our room is fair game for posting our visions, mantras, goals, and dreams.  We don’t need any art work, because we are surrounded by our future.
My challenge to you today (whether you are familiar with the Law of Attraction or not) is to write down one thing that you would like to see happen in your life.  But, when you write it, write it in present tense.  For example, I might write something like, “I am thankful that 10 new people join my blog every day,” or “I am thankful that I am a disciplined writer.”  Once you write your something down, post it up somewhere in your surroundings that you will see it every day, and see if your attitude toward that something doesn’t change as it comes to past.  Now please note I am in no way saying that this thing will happen overnight.  I am simply saying try the Law of Attraction for yourself and see if it doesn’t change your thinking.
I hope you enjoyed this first entry.  Thank you for stopping by, and have a safe and wonderful day! 

Published by T. Lynn Tate

I am a story mid-wife, writer, and Talk Show Host. I specialize in helping women tell their stories of healing to wholeness through various faith-based genres. I am the host of the online talk show series Penned The Writer's Utopia and Sip & Chat with T. Lynn.

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